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Common Questions

What People are Asking

Can I get posts removed from the site?

If you believe that a certain post goes against our Community Guidelines do not be hesitant in reporting that post or reaching out to a member of the Idyll team for assistance. We at Idyll work hard to ensure that this remains a safe space for our members.

Do I need to register in order to comment in a forum?

Yes. You need to sign up if you do not have an account or simply just log in if you have a previously existing account.

How does Idyll ensure transparency?

We publicly display all submissions from our members on the Forum and effectively track responses and actions taken by the regional civil society organizations on our Proposals section.

How can we search for posts by previous members

If you go to the Forum section you will find a search bar at the top right of the page which ensures that everybody can see the contributions and past discussions made.

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